Refrigerator for a restaurant
The refrigerator for the restaurant is designed to store the product in a larger volume. The owner of a restaurant business faces the issue of work process optimization and energy saving. After all, these are all your funds that can be easily returned within 1-2 years. One of the best solutions to optimize product preservation is to switch from cooling to equipment such asrefrigeratorson refrigerating chambers. Here are the main advantages of such cooling: equipment footprint is significantly smaller when everything is in one place. saving electricity .Refrigerators, if there are several of them, consume 30% more than one camera. the service life of the equipment is longer . For conveniencecabinetsthey mostly stand in the kitchen where delicious dishes are prepared, the temperature in the kitchen is often higher than normal, so the refrigeration equipment works at maximum load and often breaks down. additional heat . When it is already hot in the kitchen, the refrigeration equipment (cabinets) add heat, which is taken from the products that are being cooled (when the camera is working, the heat of the product is discharged outside, to the street). Therefore, it is necessary to do additional cooling of the kitchen or the room where the equipment is located. stock of products . The main advantage of the cameras is that you can make a stock of products for several days, and this is all about saving transport costs. There are mainly two types of refrigerating chambers: a refrigerating chamber up to +2...+5С and a freezing chamber -18...-25С. In the refrigerator, you can store: vegetables, fruits, chilled meat, sausages, dairy products, etc. Long-term products are stored in the freezer: frozen beef, pork, fish, etc.
The Frosttime company will help you make the right choice, we will supply the equipment, install it, and also maintain the refrigerating chamber during its operation.
You can find out the price of a refrigerating chamber by ordering call, in ouronline store,or send to ussurvey letter

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